Spring 2023/2024: ECE 30200 (Section 2) Homework HINTs
Probabilistic Methods in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Spring 2023 by Prof. Saul Gelfand)
HINTs Author: Bianjiang Yang
Comp1 HINTs
You should be familiar with:
- the definition of CDF:
- the properties of inverse function:
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function and
https://www.math.utah.edu/lectures/math1220/2PostNotes.pdf Page2
- the properties of increasing function
- the CDF of the continuous Uniform Distribution between 0 and 1: when , when , when .
Solve the CDF by considering two conditions:
After solving the CDF of X, solve the inverse function by considering two parts as well (i.e., u less than 1/2 and u greater and equal to 1/2)
Please note that
I recommend using MATLAB, the following functions should be helpful:
- histogram, rememeber to set 'Normalization' as 'pdf'.
- fplot, to define a function f(x) as fx to feed into fplot, use fx = @(x) f(x);
- rand, try to use uniform_realizations=rand(N,1); where N is the number of realizations.
For submission, please submit a ZIP that includes a PDF of your derivation in Q1&2 and plots(plot both the pdf function(analytical) and histogram(numerical) in one figure so that they can be compared with each other) in Q3; a MATLAB/Python3 file which includes runnable code for Q3.
Take (d)(ii) as an example,
Alternatively, you can solve it by:
Draw a Graph to determine the low/upper bound of an integral is recommended: check Q1_d(iii) here
Use either density method(with an auxiliary variable) or distribution method. (See Lec27-29)
Please note that fz(z) should have different expressions for z in range (0,1) and (1,2). Check details here
The convolution can be defined as:
You can first prove the inequality for z in the range of (0,1), after showing that, the proof is already finished.
For z in the range of (0,1), the integral value range of x is determined by:
because for marginal PDF of x and y, the variable x and y are required to be in the range of (0,1). Your goal is to solve the range of x in terms of z.
Define U:={the time when the packet has arrived on one of the paths}, T1:={the time when the packet has arrived on path1},
T2:={the time when the packet has arrived on path2}, by knowing that T1 and T2 are independent, you can first find CDF of U by:
Then take the derivative of u to get PDF of U.
Define V:={the time when the packet has arrived on both of the paths}, by knowing that T1 and T2 are independent, you can first find CDF of V by:
Then take the derivative of v to get PDF of V.
By using the PDF of U and V, solve E[V-U]=E[V]-E[U]
helpful formulas:
(d) and (e):
Method1: By having the joint PDF of V and W from (c), solve marginal PDF of W, and then solve the conditional PDF of V given W by:
Method2 (Simpler): By having E[V], E[W], Var[V], Var[W], and correlation coefficient of V and W from (a)(b)(c), you should be able to utilize the formula in Lec30 Page4 to solve the conditional PDF of V given W.
Solve the following:
Then, find the LMMSE, MMSE, MAP for "Y given X" by using formulas in Lec32-33.
Comp2 HINTs
For 1(c), doing a convolution of pdfs for X1, X2 and X3 is recommended.
Alternatively, consider distribution method as shown below.
From 1(a) and (b), we know that:
We also know that:
I recommend solving the pdf of , then solve the pdf of
If you sketch the possible values of , you will see they are in a cube.
The probability of is the remaining volume of the cube after cutting by the plane
Some useful geometry facts from stackexchange, please don't simple copy the answer from there, because what we need is a little different.
After solving , take the derivate to have , then solve by "function of a random variable" using either density method or distribution method. The transformation function is
For coding, similar to Computer Problem1. Use either MATLAB or Python.
WHAT TO SUBMIT: please submit multiple files to Brightspace(just upload multiple files, do NOT ZIP, this will help me quickly grade):
(1) your derivation for Q1
(2) Figure1 (rememeber to plot (i)(ii)(iii) in one Figure): (i) a plot with the pdf function from Q1(c)(the real pdf) / (ii) histogram(numerical solution, n=3) for Q2 / (iii) a plot of a gaussian function with zero-mean&unit-variance (approximation solution)
(3) Figure2 (rememeber to plot (i)(ii) in one Figure): (i) a plot of histogram (numerical solution, n=30) for Q2 / (ii) a plot of a gaussian function with zero-mean&unit-variance(approximation solution)
(4) a printout result generated from your code for Q3.
(1)(2)(3)(4) can be in a single PDF file
(5) Your code file (*.py or *.m)
Final Review
Spring 2024 Midterm1 Lecture Notes Review
Spring 2024 Lecture 30 Notes